Until recently, I was never been one to stick to a consistent gym schedule. It’s difficult. Very few people have the motivation and willpower to constantly drag themselves to the gym, day after day. I’ve recently found a neat trick that helps me circumvent that: keeping a workout log. So far, this approach has worked: since June 15th, I have gone to the gym every single day (discounting two rest days, as recovery is crucial).

My workout log is a simple spreadsheet with the days of the year in one column, and the exercises that I’ve performed during said day. The benefits of a workout log are twofold: it allows me to keep track of my progress and provides a tremendous psychological boost to continue working out.

The most crucial attribute of a workout log is that it keeps you accountable. I check my workout log every single day, and the pristine status of perfect attendance gazes back at me, staring deep into my soul. That alone rouses me to action: I must go to the gym, otherwise I would risk marring the workout log with a series of unsightly blemishes of missed gym days. I have found that this desire to keep the workout log “pure” and continuous is an enormous factor motivating my gym attendance.

If you’ve ever struggled with commitment to a recurring event — be it for attending class (for your sake, I’d certainly hope not) or for piano practice sessions — try tracking your results. Monitoring progress in a log is a huge productivity and results booster, and I encourage you all to try it in some shape or form.