Image Source: Wikipedia

Have you ever wondered how some people just seem to soak up information? The secret is that they have accumulated a critical mass of knowledge, which allows them to create enough anchor points to seamlessly integrate the new information into their existing knowledge framework. That’s it. The tough part is developing that initial mass of knowledge.

I’ve gone on and on about how all knowledge is connected. Too often, subjects in schools are taught as if they were isolated, self-contained bodies of knowledge. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Here, in the aptly-named Project Renaissance, I attempt to provide a resource for high-schoolers (and beyond) to direct their learning in all of the most common academic disciplines. While it is in no way comprehensive, Project Renaissance is intended to be a guide for fostering self-learning, a kickstarter into the world of autodidactism, if you will.

You can find the full PDF write-up of Project Renaissance here.